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Works with Connect

'Handpan' is a beautifully crafted instrument for the Noiiz Player built from perfectly captured recordings from an extensive collection of Hang instruments. Ethereal resonant tones and playful harmonics make for hypnotising melodic rhythm sections and playful arpeggiations.

A unique collection of original Hang instruments played by the world renowned Daniel Waples were sampled in forensic detail, including chromatic notes pieced together using multiple instruments and a harmonic resonance articulation.

The Handpan instruments are relatively new, with the 'Hang' first developed in Switzerland by PANArt Hangbau AG, although it sounds like it has been around for centuries. There is something truly mesmerising about this unique instrument's earthly tones that invokes a feeling of depth and connection that feels strangely familiar and somehow otherworldly at the same time.

Key Features

  • Multi-sampled Handpan instrument
  • Extensive velocity and round robin layers for ultra-realistic sound
  • 1 octave sampled + additional notes resampled across entire keyboard range
  • Pitch, filter, drive, delay & reverb for quick effects

System Requirements

  • Requires the Connect plugin to load
  • 121 MB of hard disk space
  • 8 GB of memory is recommended for optimum performance.