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Taishogoto Harp

Works with Connect

Taishogoto harp is a unique Japanese stringed instrument where typewriter keys are used to change pitch. Recorded in high fidelity by the Noiiz team, the Taishogoto is ready to use in your projects to help create ethnic melodies and accompaniments.

The Taishogoto provided Japan with more affordable access to the western 12 tone chromatic scale in the early 1900’s, and went on to inspire the creation of many other instruments throughout the world. 4 main strings are all tuned to the same note in varying octaves and are joined by one ‘drone’ string, normally tuned to the appropriate scale. We’ve fully sampled 1 octave of the drone string to provide versatility so you can choose which notes to accompany your melodies, as well as 3 full octaves of the 4 main strings.

Key Features

  • Multi-sampled Taishōgoto (Nagoya) Harp instrument
  • Drone and Main strings split for versatility
  • Extensive velocity and round robin layers for ultra-realistic sound
  • 4 octaves sampled + additional notes resampled
  • Pitch, filter, drive, delay & reverb for quick effects

System Requirements

  • Requires the Connect plugin to load
  • 400 MB of hard disk space
  • 8 GB of memory is recommended for optimum performance.