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Caramel: Retro Beats

Check out our latest Expansion, packed full of interchangeable drum kit presets & MIDI beats!

Download the latest version of Connect to get access

Mix & Match Drum Kits + MIDI Beats

Choose drum kits from the left list, MIDI beats from the right. When you find a combo you like, drag the MIDI to your DAW then open the preset.

Classic Kits With a Modern Edge

This Expansion contains some familiar sounding retro drum kits that have been processed inside Connect's powerful engine, giving a full fat, production ready sound.

Alongside the presets, you get a collection of MIDI beats, including classic patterns and contemporary concoctions.

Customise To Your Liking

You can change every sample, adjust macro effects or dive deeper into Connect's powerful engine to get the sound you want.

All MIDI drum loops can be dropped into your DAW and edited as you like, making this Expansion extremely versatile.

Enjoy! 🔊🔊🔊