Browser Not Supported

It looks like you are using browser which is not supported by us. To have the best experience use most recent version of Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

If you cancel your subscription, the following happens:

  • You won't be charged again unless you upgrade to a new paid subscription
  • You will be downgraded to the Free Membership
  • You won't be able to access any remaining quota from your paid subscription - cancelling immediately moves you to the free account quota amount (see above)
  • You'll retain your royalty-free license for any sounds you have already downloaded
  • Your folders, favorites, and downloads (found in My Library) will remain unchanged
  • You can still browse, audition, add to folders and favourite content on the Noiiz web app
  • You can upload up to 1GB of sounds and download all sounds you have uploaded as much as you like

If you want to pick up your subscription again at any time you can do so by going to 'My Membership' in your account area and re-subscribing. Everything will be there just as you left it.